Smafty Mac: Fighting the kakistocracy!!!

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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Tuesday, May 11, 2004

FOX Newscaster arrested on DUI

WFLD-Channel 32 news anchor and veteran television reporter Walter Jacobson was arrested early Saturday morning for allegedly driving while under the influence of alcohol, Chicago Police said.

Jacobson, 66, also was charged with running a stop sign and obstructing traffic in Lincoln Park.

Now I know it isn't the same, so I have for you a blast from the past to ease your pain!

What scandals would you like to see FOX Pundits or Talking Heads involved in?

John Gibson waiting in line for a night of dancing and whipping at the White Swallow.

A" Girls Gone Wild" DVD showing A drunk Laure Dhue arrested at Mardi Gras wearing 50 pounds of beads- flashing the crowd screaming " I Hate Rita Cosby"!

Sean Hannity photographed in a dirty motel room, smoking crack and having sex with homeless men.......Wait, that was the dad from bad.

I'm mean to FOX but they are lying propagandists!


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