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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Sunday, May 30, 2004

FNCs Beltway Boys

Have any of you ever seen this "Inside the beltway" show Fox puts out?

I decided to watch it since it was on, knowing my brain cells could possibly melt out of my ears on to the floor. Fred Barnes and Mort Kondacke "debating" each other is the equivalent of a Republican circle jerk, with both creaming when the other slams John Kerry...the afterglow was rather unsettling to say the least.

On he menu today was "Why John Kerry would sell us out to the French" or the EXTREME LEFTWING rhetoric of Al Gore's speech for the Move on PAC hurting Kerry, equally unappealing. With an heaping side of Coleslaw we were served Media Bias, thanks to a "weekly standardized" view of a Pew research study that says the media is "Liberal"; Never mind reading a study, seeing as how big words are scary, to get the actual results. It turns out the majority of reporters are more Libertarian than a "Liberal". Libertarians of course are conservative not tree hugging, whale loving hippies but rather Milton Friedman hugging, SUV loving capitalists.

So they completely lied about the study.

Is Al Gore a Left Wing extremist?

That would surprise the hell out of me, coming from the reality aspect the Clinton administration was moderate to say the least, and Al Gore helped symbolized that. Now he is an Earth first radical screamer, who almost became your President!

Please, Did they see the same campaign everyone else did? The campaign was Colmesesqe in it's bland, apology driven, ashamed of being a Liberal speeches. Is it because has been sponsoring his speeches? The organization is Liberal, but not radical. The John Birch society is radical, and a bit nutty, no one calls them a radical association or groups them into the KKK; which is closer to their ideology than Move on's.

So the "objective" Fox news team, again frames the debate as follows Liberals are evil radicals who hate America, Conservatives are Christian who love puppies and know evil.

I'm so sorry I watched that lame show.

Confessions of a former Deaniac (sort of)

2003 was going to be the year that we Liberals really strike back, and strike back hard! Bush launched a war of aggression to steal its oil and set-up military bases for dominance of the region. Million of people marched, protested, and in far too many cases bled to stop this war and the president equated it to a "focus group". We were pissed and we needed someone who felt like we did, intro to Howard Dean.

Dean was what the campaign needed, energetic, smart, passionate, every thing you wanted in a candidate. Howard Dean had what we wanted, experience and a lack of fear. He lowered taxes, he provided health care to everyone in his state, and he was the polar opposite of George Bush. He had problems, especially with his emotional control he became red faced and ready to fight, showing emotion and being a real human being apparently is now a political liability.

For almost a year Bush was planning an all out assault on Howard Dean, Rove laughing and Bush was drooling, I'm not sure if it was eager salvation or choking on a pretzel I'm not sure which but you get the idea. The effective strategy was put into play; make him crazy and easily beaten. Scaring you into thinking he was a radical who was going to have his ass handed to him worked for Kerry in the primaries. The Republican wing of the Democratic Party, the DNC HATED Howard Dean and they moved heaven and earth make sure he didn't get the nod either.

In the End Howard Dean, the front-runner for almost all of 2003, the man who energized the party and the campaign lost every primary except his home state of Vermont.

I miss Howard Dean, and Wes Clark; they were the best, better than Kerry. I do feel like we are stuck with Kerry on some levels, we let the fears Rove put in the process get the better of us. The irony is perhaps on us, we campaigned against, the patriot act, no "No Child left behind", and the Iraq war, I got a fucking rock thrown at my head during a protest...and now we support a candidate who voted for the patriot act, No Child Left Behind, and the Iraq War, you can't help but lament.

We feel the same defeat and it stings, but we can't let what we fought for fade away. What we believe is bigger than any one candidate, once Kerry wins in November it will be our responsibility to hold his feet to the fire and make sure he listens to us. I want universal healthcare, I want America to become energy independent, and I don't want to be drafted into military service or die for American imperialism. Fight the bastards, and keep the ideals of the deaniacs alive!


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