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Thursday, May 20, 2004

Are the Log Cabin Republicans retarded?

The North Carolina Republican Party is refusing to let the Log Cabin Republicans set up a booth at this weekend's state convention -- a move that has prompted complaints from the homosexual group that says it stands for "fairness, inclusion, and tolerance in the GOP."

"Log Cabin Republicans believe that at a time when our country is at war, we ought to be bringing Republicans together, not dividing them, and certainly not excluding them from their own state convention," said Log Cabin Republicans Executive Director Patrick Guerriero in a statement on the group's website.

Ed Farthing, a North Carolina Log Cabin Republican, said he purchased a table at the NC state convention on behalf of the group in early April.

But N.C. GOP Chairman Ferrell Blount recently returned the money, along with what the Log Cabin Republicans called "a lengthy vitriolic letter" that said the group could not have a table after all. ...

Blount's letter reportedly said that "homosexuality is not normal and should not be established as an acceptable 'alternative' lifestyle." He also said the North Carolina Republican Party and the Log Cabin Republicans "do not seem to share the same agenda."

At their state convention this weekend, N.C. Republicans will vote on a platform that opposes same-sex marriage, the adoption of children by homosexuals, and taxpayer-funded benefits plans for unmarried partners, The Advocate reported.

"We believe that homosexuality is not normal and should not be established as an acceptable 'alternative' lifestyle either in public education or in public policy,"
the proposed platform says.

Wake up Log Cabin Repubs, You're not even considered fuc*ing human beings by these guys, let alone equals!


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