Smafty Mac: Fighting the kakistocracy!!!

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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Saturday, April 17, 2004

There's a good reason the Arab hates America, Bush endorses Sharon's plan for the west bank, Israel attacks ANOTHER Hamas leader to them it seems like they were given the OK by the US to do whatever it wants to the Arab people. Bush is one of those Fundi wackos who believe we should protect Israel and the Jews to appease God and eventually convert them to Christianity for the rapture and revelations to occur, in other words: F*** THE ARABS.

I have no problem with the people of Israel but I do have a problem with this kind of nonsense, you bomb them, they bomb you and what kills me is they have been doing this for thousands of years and no one on either side has said "wait a minute, we need to change course" it's just more death, more fear. I have no idea how to fix this problem, if pressed I would tell both sides to 'get over it' and tell them "I don't care who killed who thousands of years, grow up". That of course won't work, I'd be labeled anti arab and anti Semitic (even though I am a Jew) what are we to do?

Do you know how to fix this problem???


Looks llike I was correct!

"It was Bush."

The verdict was near unanimous amid the tears and rage on Palestinian streets after Israel killed Hamas leader Abdel-Aziz al-Rantissi in an air strike Saturday that many Arabs felt President Bush ( news -web sites ) must have approved.

"Bush has Rantissi's blood on his hands," said Khamis Saadi, among tens of thousands who swept into Gaza's shabby streets.

"All doors to hell should be opened against the Israelis and against the Americans," he cried

We need to recognize the Arab people, not just Israel.

Tell Hamas to knock it off and tell Israel so stop bombing everyone than We will help them out.


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