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Tuesday, March 30, 2004

UPDATE: CONDI WILL BE UNDER OATH...that's what I get for watching Fox yesterday morning.....

Condi to testify before the public (Not under oath)

This is clean up for the Bush administration if it's not under oath, it's not worth having. It's no suprise this would happen but let's see what comes out of it.

Don't listen to the Fox view of events, use the Internet first than decide.

UPDATE: This comes from Alberto R. Gonzales, Counsel to the President.

"Second, the Commission must agree in writing that it will not request additional public testimony from any White House official, including Dr. Rice. The National Security Advisor is uniquely situated to provide the Commission with information necessary to fulfill its statutory mandate"

If she goes before the Commision, they have to promise IN WRITING to back off the White House. Where in the constitution does it say our public officials can get away with BS like this?

The biggest intel faliure in our history doesn't phase these guys, that kind of promise is like cutting their feet off and telling them to walk home.


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