Smafty Mac: Fighting the kakistocracy!!!

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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Wednesday, March 10, 2004

The RNC chair was on the Daily show last night and man the guys slow on the uptake if you get what I mean.

Slimey and untrustworthy and not very funny.

I don't think the DNC chair is all that funny or clever either.

I really don't like Internet explorer in PC or Mac form

Take this blog for instance. on my IE on my windows machine the pics on the side end up at the bottom but in Mozilla it's perfect

On my Mac

Safari, Camino (Mozilla), icab, perfectly fine, perfect looks fine, no problems...on my IE it doesn't even load.

On other windows machines IE works fine and doesn't conflict my IE on windows doesn't auto configure the resolution for the web page...and Mozilla does I spent three hours pouring over code trying to figure out why it does that.

this and that so I asked for help and found out it looked fine on three other people's web sites so once again IE sucks.

Open source is the wave of the future Operating systems like OS X, Linux, Unix and open source Browsers like Mozilla, Camino, Safari are by far superiour browsers to anything IE can do.

Almost all of my CP problems went away when I switched to Mac and Linux for my PCs, don't switch back if you can avoid it...buggy crappy software.


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