Smafty Mac: Fighting the kakistocracy!!!

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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Tuesday, March 23, 2004

People always ask, Smafty why aren't you a democrat? You're Liberal why not just join your friends?

Quotes like these answer those questions

I think it's unfair to blame the president for the spread of terror and the diffuseness of it.
Even if he had followed the advice of me and many other people, I still think the same thing would have happened."
-- Sen. Joe Biden, D

"Let's keep it civil so we don't get so nasty that we discourage people from coming out and voting
in a very important election. Kerry must "make sure that we carry on this debate in a way that
doesn't send a mixed message to the Iraqis or our troops there, or to our enemies there... let's not divide ourselves right now."
--Sen. Joe Lieberman

He wanted his party's nomination and hasn't endorsed John Kerry yet, he shouldn't be required to but we know where he stands!

We have a President that lied to the American people into a war, this isn't Oral Sex these are the lives of young men and women in our Armed Services AND the lives of innocent Iraqis, he blood is on his hands. The President was asleep at the switch during 9/11 watch the Booker Video and try not to get upset, reading a goat book while our country is under attack and the lame excuse why he didn't leave to do his job: "I'd scare the children". As Presidnet of the United States do you understand that YOU'RE A FU**ING TARGET? If those planes were closing in on your location who needs to scare the kids they're toast anyways.

But Democrats bend over backwards to support or make excuses for this President, they were rough on Clinton and Dubya gets a pass for lying?

I'm an Independant, I slam everyone no matter who they are or who they think they are I go after them.

Support a real fighter.


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