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Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Here's some of the Joe Wilson Article from Salon

~Who will soon forget Ann Coulter's two articles defaming Max Cleland? It's worth noting that not a single supporter of Bush had the decency to defend Cleland and criticize that smear. Instead Coulter's libel was widely circulated by conservatives. And just the other day, Max Boot, a neoconservative publicist who coined the "jodhpur and pith helmet" term to promote his imperialistic view of America's future, decided to smear former Air Force officer Karen Kwiatkowski, as well as retired CIA officer Ray McGovern and myself. These smears must be understood as part of the Bush campaign strategy of "slime and defend." ~

Who did defend Max Cleland, that story got passed around more than Ann Coulter or Monica Crowley at a Republican Orgy and no one cared that they were lying.

Seriously consider Buying a Subscrition to Salon, it's worth the money especially the last three weeks they've been hitting homers everyday!


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