Smafty Mac: Fighting the kakistocracy!!!

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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Thursday, March 25, 2004

Fuc* the FCC!

I just caught the new Maroon 5 video "This love" and was pissed to see what the decency patrol did to the video.

Before: The lead singer rolling around with a topless woman in hot pants during the second verse. Nothings seen but her naked back.

After: DIGITAL FLOWERS covering almost everything except their heads!

Why do that it's been without digital flowers for months, Did someone break their wrist or tear a tendon in their arm enjoying that scene too much?

These Nazis want to censor everything you read, see, or hear. I don't want television to become PAX TV, some BS bible thumpin' boring family propaganda programming...I don't pay money to get sanitized television. We can see car bombs go off or innocent people get mowed down my machine guns in Iraq but heaven forbid we hear the F-WORD!

This control grid they are trying to establish over our lives has to scare you, do you think they will stop with Howard Stern or MTV videos? They'll slam you with whatever THEY decide is "indecency", can you pay $27,000 per curse word? Do you want it to be like Demolition Man, you get fined for cursing? If I want to be an atheist with a dirty mouth... I can be, a good Christian, a vegetarian that cheats occasionally on my diet or whatever it's the choice I get being an American.

Leave our TV and Music videos Alone, stay out of our lives, we don't need or want your supervision!


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