Smafty Mac: Fighting the kakistocracy!!!

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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Bg day today! Rummy said two stupid things:

Rummy says 9/11 couldn't have been stopped.

BS, the FBI knew where they were and The Bush Administration told them to back off!

Rummy also sai we were planning to invade Afghan in 2001 for Osama.

Duh, the BBC had a story about American troop build up around Afghan prior to 9/11. I believe this proves that we were interested in their oil, remember the Caspian Sea the next big Oil bonanza, well they needed a pipeline through Taliban controlled Afghan. After we attacked "Al-Qaeida" (which by the way the Taliban offered Osama to us before we bombed) The pipeline is up and running we got what we wanted, oh boy.

So two oil rich or oil related countrys get attacked and now have American bases on their soil, exacty what PNAC wanted to do.

Our Government is a kakistocracy


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