Smafty Mac: Fighting the kakistocracy!!!

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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Wednesday, March 03, 2004

As you can tell I've made quite a few changes to the blog over the last few days!

News links galore, new color scheme, bright and happy!

The more I learn about HTML over the next few days I will use to beef up this blog even more!

More good news

I finally got a cable modem hooked up yesterday!!!

Streaming video/audio FAST DOWNLOADS It sucked down a 89.9 mpeg video file in less than 5 minutes!

That is some great pull and the speeds go between 1.7 M to 964 K and so far over the last 10 hours I haven't dropped to lesser than 1.3 even with an active user using bandwidth, that's rare for cable hook-up...I think it's because of the amount of users on this new hub the area just got this new service in January so our collective table probably isn't being used yet.

So it looks as if Kerry is going to be the nominee after all, I remember when Dean and Clark were running head to head all across the country, here in Cali Clark was ahead in all the polls than we let happen what we promised we'd never do....let the Republicans define the argument!

Hannity, O'Reilly, Blitzer, countless of other gutless reporters labeled Dean crazy, hot headed, Clark as a bumbler. My theory is as follows: The media attacks the candidates who have the bravest ideas or just the best overall candidate. Kerry is the safe bet voters for those voters and it's a shame the primary was over before I had a chance to vote, might as well have voted Lyndon LaRouche it was decided ahead of time who our opposition leader is.

To state for the record again I supported no one in the primary I would have preferred Clark over Kerry but it didn't happen.

Kerry still has to win my support...will I vote for him?


Will I campaign for him?


My main problem with Kerry is that he's an active member of Skull and Bones, these guys eat off of Hitler's dinnerware and have a history of anti-semitism. That for me isn't the worst, the worst happens to be the matter of Geronimo's skull being on display. As an Native American it's the biggest fuc* you, punch in the mouth you can imagine. What if someone removed Prescott Bush's skull from his grave and put it up for display? I know for a fact how Bush would react...with righteous anger because that's a morbid violation of society.

But it's OK for an Indian to be displayed like some trophey...your grandparents are off limits but ours are fair game.

If Kerry were to rally the return the REAL skull back to where it should be I'll man phone booths, hang fliers, campaign like a storm but I don't see that happening. If he just said "I want to see this warrior returned home, fixing a grave injustice to the Apache people has been neglected for too long: I of conscience have a moral duty to correct mistakes, his name was Geronimo...So I ask of my fellow Bonesmen; return his remains to his people and let us show respect for this proud warrior and his proud people by letting him rest."

Skull and Bones pisses on Native Americans, I hope Kerry does the right thing because I don't want to sit this one out and I will always be fair to Kerry regardless of what happens, notice the lack of Kerry/intern on the blog? If someone lies about him I'll defend him because Bush is a danger and there's no way in Hell Dubya gets my vote in 2004!

Here in California we had props 55 and 56 fail while 57 and 58 passed on Tuesday.

I voted yes on 55, No on 56, NO on 57 and yes on 58

Balanced budgets are important, we're still paying of bonds that have been around longer than I have been alive so why make more debt to pay down your existing debt? You don't do that because you get into a bigger hole every time you do that.

I worry about the effect the Ahhhnald has on normal people here.

"Why did you vote for him? "

"He was the Terminator"

Better watch out Frodo is running for State Senate.

"Why'd you vote for Elijah Wood?"

"He's a hero with a true heart!"

Mark Hamil for state Controller

"He's a Jedi who fights against the dark side"

Good night and remember comments good or bad go to Smafty Mail on the top of the page! (*)


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