Smafty Mac: Fighting the kakistocracy!!!

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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Saturday, February 07, 2004

So this is of course black history month and to Celebrate VH1 is showing movies starring black people. You might think is it Roots, or the George Washington carver story or MLK nope they're playing "Beverly Hills Cop" apparently this crappy movie "Celebrates" Black culture, somehow.

Weezer's cover of the Pixies - Velouria is awesome I found it buried in a MP3 folder I burned to disk 3 years ago (Due to my regular back-up protocol) I was able to recover it from the digital depths good stuff.

I recommend everyone read The Best Democracy Money Can Buy or Weapons of Mass Instruction audio CD Trust me it's worth it!

If you haven't heard Western Civilization has fallen thanks in part to Janet Jackson exposing a breast and so just be clear we can have horses farting and no less than TWO impotence commercials but the boobie is indecent? We can have Jessica Simpson flirt with a fucking Muppet but Moveon's commercial is unfit for the Super Bowl and did anybody else notice the government was very quick in setting up an investigation into boobie gate but it took months for Leakgate, Wargate, WMDgate and other gates to get the green light for investigations? Janet Jackson's Tit is more important than 532 dead soldiers.

Did anybody else catch Traffic the Miniseries ? Not bad but like with any miniseries you want a full season, much like with Battlestar Galactica I was disappointed that it was so damn short it was four hours and the last hour set up (I thought part 3) turned into the biggest Scifi blue balls in years, but they might pick it up so it becomes a regular season so hope that goes through, Maybe Traffic can was well!

What upsets me most at this very moment is that Bush is hurting the military, cutting their pay in COMBAT ZONES, the mess isn't sanitary and the food is rotten, literally and once they get home the training they got will be used against them so they won't qualify for Overtime pay and if they get sick their health insurance just shot through the roof. These guys put their lives on the line for you and me, something most people will never do and for such low pay; we ask our Men and women to protect the constitution and everything the USA stands for and in return we take care of our heroes, or at least we should. Bush again shits on the military, you cannot blame it on Democrats Bill Clinton didn't do it this is Republicans second nature anything for a buck, no honor, Are the Dems better? no they've shit on them as well but even worse they don't fight for anything much less our Soldiers!

Kerry might be the Democratic nominee, whoopie doo!

Thank god we have someone who voted for the War, the Patriot act, No Child left behind and missed the vote in the senate regarding Overtime rules mentioned above (screwing our soldiers) and on each count claiming he was mislead by the President.

I'm not buying it.

He votes like a Bush, he's Bush extra light what kind of leader get "Mislead" on these issues, were is his "leadership" in action? Both the Patriot act and No child left behind were transparently awful and he voted for them both and trying to slink out of the giving Bush the Blank check to bomb innocent Iraqis. "I never thought he would use it as a blank check" That's what he asked for and you GAVE IT TO HIM.

He can't win!

"But he's a Veteran" so was Bob Dole, the guy rushed a damn machine gun.... Clinton smoked Pot... guess who won!

"He's a fighter" No child Left behind, the war, The Patriot act, overtime changes... all uncontested by John f. Kerry.

"He's Just like us" No he isn't, he was born rich and after your first million dollars you lose your 'everyman' status. He's worth $800 million dollars, what does he know about the middle class?

I want a higher standard of leadership, Kerry isn't that!


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