Smafty Mac: Fighting the kakistocracy!!!

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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Saturday, February 14, 2004

I hate dial-up and I hate sites that stream media wrong!

It's like this if I have to go into the source code to find where I can download instead of streaming the said media file, you need a new web master!

I need so make some more money So I can afford cable internet, 2M over 128K is pretty damn sweet. I worked as an Internet troubleshooter and broadband sales so I know what's up. Obviously it won't be a steady 2M over 128K but it should average higher than 1M depending on the traffice on a good day it will be past 1.5M (T1 speeds) no way is it as steady as let's say a SDSL line but hey that's damn fast and my iTunes downloads will be alot faster!!!

In order to get that as well I have to network my home as well, running cable from upstairs to down stairs lucky enough I have holes in the walls where the cable lines run in so it makes it easier running it but entierly. I have nothing to run the CAT 5 wire through the wall but having the need makes our tiny monkey brains work and mine isn't an exception: Bend a wire hanger and tape it to the CAT5. So tomorrow I run the cable and put heads on the ends and now they are ethernet wires!


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