Smafty Mac: Fighting the kakistocracy!!!

Advice and journalism from a very unqualified source.
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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Monday, February 02, 2004

Have you done enough to oust the President?

Have you picked a candidate you feel comfortable with?

Have you knocked on doors, manned call centers, print flyers for a candidate?

Have you donated to a candidate you like?

Have you registered voters or are you carpooling to a polling place on election day?

Have you done everything you can to remove the Junta from power?

If no than... why the Hell not?

It's all good and fine to surf the web and check out the blogs that agree with you or sending links to the informative sites like BuzzFlash , Take Back the Media , Salon and that's important to get these sites hit the Radar but that's not enough! Yelling at family members and calling them racist Fascists pigs means you've wasted your time and energy! I know you have strong beliefs and passion put it to use!

Get off your A$$, reach over to the stereo and turn off TOOL, and focus on the most important race of our lifetimes! You still have a chance to decide who the Nominee for the Democratic ticket is and your local congressional seats are opening up too fight for what you believe in use your damn voice especially you bitter Naderites you're guy didn't win, tough break I worked the on the losing campaign and it wasn't our year, we need you surfers, you bloggers and especially the fire of the Naderites or the fire of the drifting Deaniacs to unite for a single purpose... Ousting the President from power!

But if you don't work to remove the whole lot from power don't complain to me or anybody else, don't blame dirty tricks or faulty electronic ballots; you know those are in play already... it rests on YOU!

Make every vote you cast count, make your friends and families count Do something your country needs you!


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