Smafty Mac: Fighting the kakistocracy!!!

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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Friday, December 12, 2003

Sorry about the lack of posts this week but I have been all over.

Monday: Santa Barbara, This was a suprise to me I wasn't expecting to go anywhere but a frantic family member woke me I had 10 minutes to get ready to go to. I work at night so I have to sleep during the day and I just feel asleep at 7:00 am-rattled awake 8:34- left at 8:44 am. and the kick; we stayed for 19 minutes well I live over 150 miles away from there and it took 2 hours to get there only to leave in under 20 minutes.

Tuesday: Atascadero: We live about 15 miles from the city we get perscriptions at so we spent an entire day in A town because they screwed up.

WEDNSDAY: Fresno: a trip to the Childrens hospital more driving usually I have to be in Fresno once a month and it's always a pain in the @$$.

Thursday: More all day medicine trip because the pharmacy is retarded.

Friday: I hope I can sleep a little, God forbid I end up going to some sh*t hole like Bakersfield or Brainson!

Still on the Clark watch will post my full thoughts after giving him a chance. I also watched and recorded the other candidates too, I've watched about 28 hours of C-Span, way too much for the average man. I will give my opinions of the 9 tomorrow night if I'm not in Boise of course!


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