Smafty Mac: Fighting the kakistocracy!!!

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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Thursday, December 04, 2003

Reading through Jim Hightower's new work is taking rather long it's not as good as I thought it would be and we disagree on a few points.

Please vote, I know I when I reveled I was a Nader voter I was blamed for Gore's loss in 2000 but remember

1. It was Al Gore's to lose, Donna Brasil is not my first choice for campaign manager and his nigh identical positions to Dubya were the perverbial nails in his coffin lid.

2. GW stole the election anyways, a large chunk of the scrubbed voters were black Democrats.

The two reasons he lost, not Nader.

I'm still glad I'm an Independant and here's why to quote myself.

"It doesn't matter what side of the isle you sit on in the small yellow school bus, the point is you're IN the small yellow school bus!"

If you're unfamiliar with the metaphor the small yellow school bus was the bus the "Special" kids rode on, so basically I'm calling them retarded...I don't really think most are, most people want to identify with a group of people they relate to; or seem to think they relate to. I could say it's no diffrent in regards to me being an Independant; the so called too cool for school so this could be some rebel complex I have but I doubt it.
That's enough for now.


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