Smafty Mac: Fighting the kakistocracy!!!

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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Michael Reagan said this yesterday on H&C "Showtime will buy anything!" *cough* DC 9/11 *cough*

Some e-mails i've received over the last week blasted my stance on Westly Clark, and to sum them all up they ask I go in depth: watch his town meetings, interviews, read his books and so forth.

So I will however I think I'm right about this but I will give him a chance... the others I really hope Kerry, Edwards, Gephardt, Lieberman aren't the nominees.... they don't have a chance in hell and I would rather not vote or vote third party than for the same old BS in the white house so please for my sake vote for a real candidate.

I hope Dean will be the nominee so here is my run down of a winning ticket, Best to worse.

Dean-Clark: with a strong domestic policy and foreign policy in place it could play very well, especially in the south were the support for the war is heavy.

Dean-H.Clinton: This just slightly falls the latter because she really doesn't have the clout with Swing voters or southern voters. Besides Dean had better wear a flak jacket because you know if this ticket wins someone will gun him down so She can be president, more than likely it will be some loser right winger trying to establish some great Conspiracy from the Clintons, stupid Right Wingers.

Dean-Edwards: This might help carry the Guns, god, Nascar states because some people really believe that the "real America" is the south. Edwards is an attractive candidate as VP he can stay involved in the senate which legislatively would be a good choice about the other two.

Gephardt would be eaten alive by Karl Rove!

If Liberman was the nominee (god forbid) I have a line for George W. Bush "Senator, our policies are not all that different... your voting record has been very good to us, it boils down to small differences in spending and taxes... why should anyone vote for the slightly more liberal version of George W. Bush? You seem to think we're doing a darn good job!"

I haven't chosen a horse for 2004 but definitely not Bush.

If anyone cares were I've been for the last week and a half, simple answer I went to Riverside, CA to help my grandmother while she was in the hospital and literally been sleeping two hours everyday and my insomnia is kicking back in so I'll probably end the week without a single wink of sleep!

To keep myself busy I have a PS2 and I just received the new Jim Hightower book: 'Thieves in high places' from which was my free gift for signing up that day Salon is worth it's weight in Gold* Which I highly recommend you spending $35 bucks on and my Bass & blog.... sad.

Also while I was down south I verified I was Jewish and to date I am a Black, Native American, Irish, German, English, Jew with ethnicity in no particular order. It's weird I have such a diverse background I might be only a 1/16 black but legally I can claim it as my ethnicity... identify more with the Indian
because of my dark skin and the fact I am more Indian than anything else... but in the end I'm an American.

* Web sites are weight less but if you missed the point or really hung up on the "science" of the matter... get a girlfriend/boyfriend find better ways to spend your time!


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