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Sunday, December 14, 2003

Here are the links to the Contenders for the Democratic nomination of 2004

For this list I'm being pragmatic about the pros and cons.

Howard Dean:

Pro- Fmr. Vermont Governor has provided health care for most of it's citizens, balanced the budget and energized the Democratic base but his policies have been more Center than left.

Cons- Foot in mouth syndrome he talks maybe too much and the media will be there like rabid hungry dogs, remember the Gore "reinventing himself"?

Gen. Wesley Clark:

Pro- Heroic military career, proven leadership & diplomatic skills, very smart.

Cons- Vague on domestic policies, seen as a sleeper agent of the Clinton's especially of Hillary's.

John Edwards:

Pro- Southern Boy, rising star in the party appealing to Moderates.

Cons- Boring, pro-Iraq war, Seen as passive

Dick Gephardt:

Pro- Multi-term Congressman, big friend to Unions, mainstay for Democrats in Congress.

Cons- Seen as the problem with the party spine less, pathetic, pandering.

John Kerry:

Pro- Popular senator, war hero, well liked by the party.

Cons- Boring, seems to encompass an aura of Herbert Humphrey waiting the for the Nod!

Dennis Kucinich:

Pro- Knows where he stands, very good politician when needed to be, seems decent.

Cons- Crazy socialist vegan peacenick wacko, maybe too far left for America.

Joe Lieberman:

Pro- Moderate, looks good on paper to a conservative to middle voter.

Cons- Republican light, lame, voice sounds like a stomach ache, bowel movements have more heat than this guy.

Carol Moseley-Braun:

Pro- Minority voters will like her in the general election and a few primaries in the south, seems smarter than some of the guys she's running against.

Cons- She's a black woman in a perfect world that shouldn't matter at all but welcome to 2003. Very left on Abortion rights. Lacks international experience wanted for the job ( She was an Ambassador but she wouldn't bomb people for the hell of it...hence lack of experience).

Al Sharpton:

Pro- Entertaining, fighter.

Cons- A certain rape case in the 80's, very unprepared for the job.


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