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Sunday, November 16, 2003

I just caught the Wes Clark interview on Meet the Press this morning, I still have a few reservations about the Democratic hopeful.

His support of this administration is very troubling and his courting of the Republican party after he retired in 2000. In his defense he said he supported the effort not the policy (IE Good Solider) and that he was asked to speak at the Republican conference but he was "always" a Democrat.

Honestly, that sounds like a load of crap to me.

The general seems a bit too ambitious for me, he's a smart guy and always has an answer it just seems to me that he might need some experience before all is said and done. Amazingly he entered very strong and was ahead of Dean and Kerry in some states but times do change now at a stale 5% the Clark bubble might have burst to the delight of The far right. This is very bad for the former NATO commander, he's in the Lieberman, Edwards slump and his Presidential campaign will not garner him the Nomination.

There is a silver lining for the Clark camp, the VP slot.

If Clark gets the VP rub, it will be the make or brake of the campaign. He is a military leader with experience not to mention he's from the south always a plus with National voters.

My advice would this

1. Owe up to any support you gave the Bush administration: If you thought they were great for the country, say so than explain your error in judgment, honesty is American voter 101.

2. State firmly, Are you Pro-war Iraq or Anti-war Iraq?: My vote, along with millions of others depend on that very answer, I will not vote for a pro-Iraq war hawk nor will they.

3. Bring God, Guns, and Nascar into your run: The south is focused on those things right there they don't want a secular society, Gun control is out of the question, and millions of people love Nascar, the allure of Nascar escapes me but that is your base Arkansas base.

Remember stop saying stupid things and be come "conservative" on those issues and maybe you'll win.


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