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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Friday, October 03, 2003

I recently debated a Republican on Vietnam, never mind The Torpedo incident in a certain gulf in south east asia never actually happened or the fact that they lied the entire way through and broke plenty of American as well as international laws along the way it was because of the Democrats that we didn't win the war.

That got me thinking

We needed someone who would not only kick ass but was also Republican since they are the true Patriots, we needed a hero.

Enter George W. Bush

A war hero, the symbolic American cowboy. The man who brought "Don't mess with Texas" to a national level. We needed him in the Jungles of Vietnam he would have turned that whole war around for the US. The Connecticut Cowboy. All we ever had to do was drop him off in the middle of the War-zone and boom We won. Read the stories or watch the TV movies about his heroism, "armed only with a butter Knife after being dropped right on Charlie's lap, after destroying three platoons, the dying commander uttered to him defiantly "We will send wave after wave of men after you. You will never win" Looking in his eyes Bush gave him a little smirk and and stated patriotically "Bring 'em On!" In a matter of weeks the Vietcong were all dead, communism was dead and in his absence he was promoted to Major General and racked up 6 purple hearts (He was shot 5 times and took a grenade for a timid Al Gore, some whiney reporter) Him and the veterans were brought home as heros, all thanks to W. (which stands for Warrior) won the day.

So where was W. (warrior) during Vietnam?

He used his Father and grand father to pull strings to get him into the Texas air national guard, past the waiting list even with a test score 1 point above too dumb to fly he became a jet pilot. His career was cut short when he decided not to show up for duty (properly known as going AWOL) to work on a campaign, all documentation, all records of his time in the Air national guard were shredded.

So much potential, so much he could have done

Instead of going to Vietnam he used his Eastern Banking and family political influence to make sure Texas was safe from the Vietcong for him and his buddies to get plastered and dance on tables. Maybe in a different world he would have changed the world.

Way to go Lt.


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