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Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Be Careful Who You Associate With...

The always thin skinned Bill O'Reilly should heed his own advice. Fox news, let's face it is simple, no depth just lots of fluff and active viewers know about as much as the likes of Sean Hannity and Brian Kilmeade tell them which brings us to Bill. I can understand why Bill has it out for Dean and Franken, Dean will repeal his tax Cut, and Franken called him on his BS, All of which are noble adventures. Since O'Reilly is apperently stuck on grade school name calling, Al Franken is a, and I quote an "emotionally disturbed person" or a "Smear Merchant", yes the good Doctor should watch out who he associates with but so should you Mr. O., the far right's answer to "news" or I may say "Smear Merchants" take this story for example

The Hard Drinking Ted Kennedy, wow that's not very nice... in fact you could call that a "smear". Well if their not smearing the other side with such nice pet names they are just making things up, here's the link:

Your own words Mr. O "Defamation and smear tactics are not part of mainstream America.  They are the work of extremists, people who hate people with whom they disagree." We have a very far right web site making very hateful statements, there's two examples of defaming, of smear tactics and by your own definition these are extremists, smear tell me why you are writing a monthly column for a hateful magazine?

The editor of Newsmax is the very slimy Christopher Ruddy, you know Bill, he's the guy who peddled the Vince Foster "murder" routine with all the factual errors ( Vince Foster was right handed, Ruddy claimed that he was left handed so when the gun was found in his right hand, Oswald started spinning in his grave and Ruddy went nuts) his latest book Hillary's Scheme is his latest attempt at smearing. By all accounts you should have nothing to do with him or his magazine, simply by your own definition of emotionally disturbed people, If Franken is screwy in the sanity department, Ruddy must be a damn nut! He still touts the line "Clinton is a murdering, drug-running, rapist", none of which he can back up.

Maybe that's not fair to Ruddy because he hasn't taken your advice on being careful who he associates with, say for instance Reverend Moon. He owns this Newspaper the joke of journalism the Washington times

If you want to know more about Rev. moon you can go to this link

So you write for a Smear Merchant who has close ties to a cult Leader and you have the gaul to say anything about Al Franken at a Dean Rally.

Again you should heed your own words when it comes to the interviews you grant, personally I wouldn't want to be grouped into the same pack with Reverend Robertson but hey to each his own I guess, lets take a look at your interview with the "Good Doctor",2933,101328,00.html

No matter what, you and your kind will always believe that this country was founded on Judeo-Christian values, and no matter how many times it is shown that a good majority of the framers were deists you will stick to your guns, as a matter of fact you printed and out right hoax in your new book here a link so you can correct it in future editions Mr. O!

Now you might see yourself a a spiritual fighter for the almighty or a moral paragon of virtue but come on this fellow "Spiritualist" has said and done some very stupid things, worst of all he believes them!


or even

They can go on for days, If this is your fellow trooper against the lords of darkness...Heaven Help us!

I am not a smear merchant, I'm a commentator if I'm wrong I fess up and correct the mistake that is how I was raised, If your wrong make it right, do your best, That is integrity. For you to go around and throw absurd insults at the left for a shell of a news outfit and you cry when someone calls foul is silly. Jesse Jackson should give you his Tax soon as you give him yours, You should just come out and admit that "Traditionalists" are really guys go want to go back to their phony version of the 1950's, The LA times might be Liberal but FNC is is Conservative; a California Paper VS. A National News network, yeah that's a fair fight Who will I bet on winning? Tyson or the Drummer for Def Leopard.

I will take your advice on the matter,I will be careful who I associate with, I'll Associate with Franken, Moore, Ivins, Corn instead of Ruddy, Moon Hannity, and of course you.

You pander to a corrupt administration, A Hypocrite poser by any other name is still a Hypocrite poser!

(Blog inspired by Bill's talking points memo at this address,,2933,98034,00.html
written while enjoying Radiohead's new album Hail to the thief and Garbages last album Beautiful Garbage and Coldplay's latest A rush of blood to the head)


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